ISS Investigations South Africa

ISS Investigations South Africa


Vehicle Theft, Hijacking, Recovery and Accident Investigations

Effective Vehicle Theft Prevention and Recovery Strategies by ISS-Investigations

Since its launch in 2018, full support from top management and significant investment has resulted in this division saving the group some R88 million. As at July 2020 they have enjoyed a 96% success rate. Of 600 vehicle-related incidents, 575 vehicles have been recovered. Measured against a national and global increase in vehicle thefts and hijackings, since 2021 ISS-Investigations has bucked the trend and enjoyed an 89% decrease in incidents. Vehicle theft & hijackings increased during 2022, however ISS-Investigations VTR recovery rate remains at 96%.

The Unit is on stand-by 24/7, 365 days a year and continually adjusts it operation in line with the changing modus operandi of vehicle theft and hijacking syndicates and individuals. Nationally, every staff member is on continual stand-by and the unit operates throughout South Africa and neighboring states.

Various insurance underwriting agencies have mandated ISS-Investigations to investigate and recover vehicles on their behalf and to reconstruct accident scenes / investigate accident claims. Between March 2022 and March 2024, the Unit saved their clients in excess of R208 million in claims.

087 163 4534  ISS-Investigations Vehicle Theft and Recovery Unit’s National number ensures immediate reaction.

ISS-Investigations specialises in the following types of investigations on behalf of insurance underwriting agencies:

• Vehicle Hijacking Investigations (heavy commercial vehicles as well as passenger vehicles)
• Vehicle Theft Investigations (heavy commercial vehicles as well as passenger vehicles)
• Vehicle Accident Investigations
• Housebreaking Investigations
• Civil Claims
• And other Investigations listed on its Web-Site

Lost Funds Because you were Scammed by an Auction, Motor Dealer or Individual on line sale.

Bought a car... Paid for it... Never seen it... And never Delivered...
Now, you trust no one else to assist.

We do get daily queries of such incidents.
Don't Stress for we at ISS-Investigations know Exactly how to Trace, Track, Confront and Recover your Funds.

Trusted Vehicle Recovery Experts: ISS-Investigations Recovery Process

In the unfortunate event that a client’s vehicle is hijacked or stolen, ISS-Investigations will conduct a full investigation on behalf of the insurers with the focus to recover the vehicle and/or to establish the legitimacy of the claim:

An appointed ISS-Investigations Member receives the incident via our National Service which is manned 24/7 all year round.

The ISS-Investigations members immediately make contact with the insured owner/Operations in order to obtain an update and determine if the correct information about the incident was received. This information is then relayed to other ISS-Investigations members and the same is mobilized to commence with their visual search.

Where the insured vehicle/truck combination is fitted with a tracking/fleet management system, ISS-Investigations will immediately make contact with the service provider/monitoring agents in order to obtain the last known vehicle status.

ISS-Investigations makes use of sophisticated electronic vehicle recovery equipment and all our ISS-Investigations vehicles are fitted with tracking equipment. Members are also trained in the tracking and identification of sought vehicles.

ISS-Investigations circulates the full description of the sought vehicle details via Internet Messaging Service and cell phone technology to various SAPS Units, Law Enforcement Agencies and informers.

ISS-Investigations interviews and questions all involved drivers/witnesses and obtain full statements from them.

ISS-Investigations is a subscriber to the Unicode System. Upon commencement of the insurance investigation, all claim details will be loaded by ISS-Investigations onto the Unicode system.

ISS-Investigations will liaise with the SAPS on a regular basis and ascertain that the sought vehicles are correctly circulated on the police computer system.

ISS-Investigations notifies all RSA border police units to be on the lookout for the sought vehicles.
          Vehicle valuations (Mead & McGrouther) will be obtained.

Where fraud is suspected by ISS-Investigations, will a credit enquiry be conducted with ITC to determine if possible financial problems exists.

ISS-Investigations visits Police vehicle safeguarding facilities on a regular basis to ascertain that the vehicle was not possibly impounded.

A comprehensive investigation report, including all supporting documents that were obtained, will be electronically submitted to the insurers within 14 days.

Reliable Vehicle Recovery Assistance: ISS-Investigations Expertise

Where sought vehicles were recovered, ISS-Investigations will assist the owner/insured with the identification process of the recovered vehicle.

ISS-Investigations will also conduct an inspection of the recovered vehicle and report to the insurer about the condition and damage of the vehicle.

Wherever possible, ISS-Investigations will furnish the insurer with digital photos of the recovered vehicle.

Ensuring Accurate Accident Reports: ISS-Investigations Expertise

ISS-Investigations investigates vehicle accidents nationally on a 24/7 basis. Our aim is to attend to the accidents while the involved vehicles “wheels are still turning”. Therefore ISS-Investigations immediately attends to accident scenes upon receipt of the mandate from the insurer:

ISS-Investigations will formally interview all the involved drivers, passengers and witnesses. Relevant statements will be obtained where possible.

Involved vehicles will be inspected for roadworthiness, old damage and new damage.

The complete accident scene will be documented, measured (where possible) and photographed.

ISS-Investigations will liaise with the SAPS and obtain the SAPS Accident Report, third party details and other possible information/documentation.

A comprehensive investigation report, including all supporting documents that were obtained, will be electronically submitted to the insurers within 14 days.

Rodney van Rensburg