ISS Investigations South Africa

ISS Investigations South Africa


Cheating Spouse Investigation

Stop the guessing game. Find out the TRUTH.

Monitor every keystroke and every tap.
Find out who they've called and listen to the calls made and received.
See their Messages, including deleted Messages on all platforms as
well as Social Media Chats.
See their Download History.
See the pics they share and receive.
Check every E-Mail send or receive.
Monitor their browsing history.
Track their live location and set geo fencing.
Environment Live Video and Listening.
Do it all without being detected.

Call the Best Cheating Spouse Detective in South Africa if you need Evidence that’ll stand up in Court.

We can assist 072 613 9925

We can assist 072 613 9925

If you’ve reached the point of wanting to find a Private Investigator because you suspect infidelity on the part of your spouse, you already know you’re entering uncharted and overwhelming territory. What may help is to keep in mind, that though you may know of no one who has taken this route, many have. If it weren’t so, there would be no need for a cheating Spouse Detective!

The best you can do for yourself is to find an Investigator who will offer you the support and understanding you’re going to need during a painful experience like this!

Another point to think about, is that you may want a Private Investigator who is able to network with other professionals around the globe if your suspected cheating spouse is traveling extensively.

This is the type of experience you’ll have at your disposal if you chose to hire the Seasoned Professionals at ISS-INVESTIGATIONS

This team works with international clients who may need someone on the ground in South Africa. This is due to the fact that only someone who understands the local culture and if familiar with the local scene will be effective in carrying out surveillance without being detected.

How does a Private Investigator go about Gathering Evidence of whether or not a spouse is cheating?



Click on the link Below which will redirect you to the Surveillance Page.

You will then reach our Price list on Surveillance. 

Cellular Forensics 

Click on the link below which will redirect you to the Cellular Forensics Page. 

ISS- Investigations Domestic and Adultery Investigation:

ISS- Investigations is a Private Investigation firm with a Professional team of and Private Investigators highly experienced in dealing with all aspects of domestic and adultery investigation. Adultery and Infidelity Investigations can help determine whether a spouse or significant other is committing adultery or being unfaithful in a relationship.

When it comes to establishing whether a partner is cheating there are numerous methods we use to uncover the truth and prove that infidelity or adultery is taking place. When you hire a Private Investigator from ISS- Investigations you will get the evidence you need and deserve to know about your partner’s life away from home.

Common Signs of Cheating:

Many of our clients just need to confirm suspicions they already have about a cheating partner but sometimes they need accurate and documented evidence of infidelity that will hold up in court. If you are not certain that your spouse or partner is cheating, it is important to first look for signs before deciding to employ the services of an investigator. When a spouse or partner is cheating there are certain common signs to look for like changes in behavior and excuses for coming home late from work.

• Changes in communication
• Increased interest in appearance
• More time spent away from home
• Attitude changes
• Lying
• Avoidance
• They accuse you of cheating
• Indifference
• Changes in your sex life
• Money issues
• Change in technology use

A Sudden Need for Privacy:

When partners are cheating their fear of being found out will result in a sudden need for privacy and being more secretive about where they are going. Often they will be more reluctant to share details about where they have been and what they have done.

Staying Late at Work:

Overtime at work is one of the most common ways cheaters use to cover their tracks. Cheating may not necessarily be happening at the workplace and we have methods like GPS tracking to find out where they actually are.

Do You Need the Services of an Infidelity Investigator?

Every day at the office we get to hear about different infidelity stories. Our expert team of investigators is fully equipped to provide you with undeniable proof and irrefutable evidence of infidelity needed to prove your case in a court of law. However, not all investigations conducted are cut and dried and you need to be very sure about wanting an investigation to determine whether your partner is cheating on you.

A vital aspect of private investigation is identifying suspects; our investigators can provide you with accurate details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, place of employment, as well as a background check of a suspected person involved with your cheating partner.

The possibility of adultery or infidelity in a relationship or marriage is one of the hardest realities to face. When faced with proof that a partner is cheating many of our clients are not sure about what course of action to take. Our expert advice is to always weigh their options before confronting a cheating partner.

Statistics on Infidelity – Why Men and Women Cheat

Top consumer reviews reveal that an estimated 51% of married women are susceptible to cheating, 81% of whom will lie to their husbands. Even unmarried but committed boyfriends in long-term relationships are tempted to cheat on their girlfriends and lie about it.

Something victims of cheating partners need to keep in mind is that cheating partners, whether they be boyfriends, girlfriends, wives or husbands may be serial cheaters. When confronted with strong evidence from private investigators, most partners admit to cheating.

How Many People End Up Admitting to Cheating?

After very many years investigating cases of cheating partners, we estimate that about one third will admit to cheating. The average time that affairs usually last is more than two years and often they can go on for much longer.

Where do Cheating Partners Meet “The Other Person”.

In working with hundreds of these cases we have come to realize that “the other person” is usually someone at work or a close friend from the past. Sometimes they meet on a business trip or at a school reunion.

How Is ISS-Investigations Able to Prove Adultery?

With years of experience in the industry, you can trust us to be your best option when it comes to catching cheating partners in the act. We have only the best and most experienced infidelity investigators who are experts at doing an excellent job of investigating and proving adultery or infidelity and their work as undercover PIs is always done in the strictest confidence. You will be provided with expert professional services that include:

• Pre-marital investigations
• Marital background checks
• Spouse surveillance services
• Video surveillance services

If you suspect that your partner is cheating on you and you are looking for evidence that will assist you in a divorce case, then give our team at ISS-Investigations a call to confirm your suspicions and provide you with strong evidence. Before you consider hiring a divorce attorney or marriage counselor, give us a call. We are a reputable marital infidelity licensed private investigation company that can provide you with a free consultation and advice on how to proceed with a successful investigation.

Beware of dealing with unscrupulous private investigation agencies that are not experts in marital infidelity cases. At ISS-Investigations we daily deal with domestic clients, divorce lawyers, victims of infidelity, husbands, wives, lovers, and mistresses involved in infidelity cases. We're professionals who can provide you with video surveillance and spousal infidelity evidence needed in divorce and custody cases.

Our expert team of private investigators knows how to look for signs of infidelity and domestic cases are easy for them to investigate. The outstanding success we have enjoyed over the years has resulted in some of our PIs appearing on television shows which has helped to establish that ISS-Investigations is one of the best investigating agencies to work with.

Some of the services we provide include:

• Hidden surveillance cameras
• Audio surveillance
• GPS vehicle tracking services
• Spy computer and Digital software
• Video surveillance

All our professional private investigators are licensed and trained to deal with all kinds of infidelity and adultery cases. They employ discreet investigation techniques to investigate, verify, and provide proof of illicit activities, cohabitation, etc. Our private eye team are able to provide video-recorded proof of the activities of your cheating partner and photographs that clearly document proof of infidelity.

Why You Should ISS-Investigations for Your Infidelity Investigation?

At ISS-Investigations we constantly deal with all types of different infidelity investigations and we have an entire division dedicated to focusing on matrimonial cases that involve cheating husbands or wives. The primary function of this division is to investigate providing our clients with a dedicated service that cannot be found anywhere else. 

Rodney van Rensburg