Nationwide Licensed Private Investigation Agency

Nationwide Licensed Private Investigation Agency



6 May 2024

Always play open cards with your clients, we have nothing to hide.

A Hello Peter Complaint

A Hello Peter Complaint


Just a pitty Lisa feels this way. After the Investigation we drove back to Gauteng, a report sometimes do take long and it was the long weekend where we had our family time.
She Hired me to see if her Ex-Daughter inlaw is fit enough to be a Mother to her Grand Daughter because Lisa said she will do anything humanly possible to take the child away from her Ex-Daugther in law.
Sending me fotos of her Grand Child and the son's Whole Ex inlaw Family with Personal details addresses etc.

1. I drove all the way from Gauteng to Umhlanga (KZN)
2. Booked in a B&B
3. Did the work, she then mentioned she think her phone is Bugged.
4. She asked me how does it work to Bug a Phone.
5. She wanted us to Bug her Ex Daughter in Laws Phone. (That's the time when Janine wanted to go in Undercover at the Daycare to make all easier.

Things did not turn out the way she wanted it. She then Badmouthed other Private Investigators like Brad Nathan's and more. She went through 5 Private Investigators and 9 Attorneys during this time and dispute she had with her sons, inlaws.

I'm more than willing to stand in any Court of Law but I'm not Refunding for my hard work, Traveling Costs, accommodation and Food.
Sorry Lisa, I do have an appointment with PSiRA.

Your Private Investigator friend must know that he can't deliver a Service on his personal PSiRA number alone, he must be connected to a Business which is PSiRA Registered.

9 Mar 2024

Thank you for Great Services

Just a Quick thanks of appreciation.
After I've contacted and had a meeting with Private Investigator Rodney van Rensburg I felt better by making use of his Professional Services.

My son went to a Bar in Gauteng two weeks ago where he was Badly Assaulted. Left outside in the parking area alone.

The Bar Closed, the staff left and nobody attended to him. The Security Company did their Patrol and came across my son still alive but he lost a lot of Blood for several hours.

Unfortunately my son did not make it.

a Member of the SAPS actually referred me to ISS-Investigations.

The Private Investigator worked with the SAPS and gathered all information and proof to bring the guilty ones to book. But unfortunately he can only go as far. He Secured the arrest but the Justice System Failed us.

The Private Investigator did not give up and digged a little deeper.

With evidence he found this wasn't over and the suspect was arrested for another murder of a young couple. The suspect was found with 2 unlicensed fire-arms, Drugs and a Hijacked Vehicle in his possession.

He was then sentenced for 35 yrs.

Thanks again Rodney for the great service and feedback.

Mechanic Closed Down without Notice and Warning to Customers.

We Investigated 3 different cases against this Unregistered Company also non Compliant to RMI

We Investigated 3 different cases against this Unregistered Company also non Compliant to RMI

Our Offices were contacted by Mr. Lucas Henning born 1947 and Mrs.Cornelia Henning born 1952 to assist them with the following.
They took their Vehicle to Du Plooys Auto in Vanderbijlpark for Repair. (Keep in mind the Vehicle was driven to the Mechanics)
After Repairing what was wrong the Mechanic said that the Vehicle required certain parts and all were paid for.
They then Contacted our client and said that a new key system must be ordered and with key coding the amount will be R10500. So, my client instructed the mechanic not to do it.
But the Mechanic then decided to go ahead.
My client then noticed that the Mechanic workshop were closed down and that my client Nissan Navara bakkie were no where to be found.
When they called the Mechanics wife said that the bakkie is in storage and they have to pay R17000 now for storage included before the end of May or else the bakkie will be moved to JHB for storage. They refused to tell my client where they or the bakiie were.
I then traced the Mechanic and instructed my client to open a criminal case. My client them landed up at W/O van Staden who contacted the Mechanic and the wife showed up.After the meeting W/O van Staden instructed my client to pay the R10500 to get the bakkie back.
When my client had the money ready they still refused to give the bakkie. I again instructed my client to go and see W/O van Staden, and only after threatening them they decided to hand over my clients bakkie.

If you can't Evict Burn the Block of Flats with or Without Tenants inside!!!

Above Mentioned Instructions from Heleja Killian and her Husband

Above Mentioned Instructions from Heleja Killian and her Husband

Heleja Killian and her Husband

The Couple who begged us to burn down their block of Flats before the Insurance lapsed in December.

We we contacted by Heleja about her block of Flats which were hijacked and she now do not enjoy the Rental from the Tenants.

We went out to the Premises to investigate and upon our arrival we spoke with the Tenants and they said that the owner does not care about their needs and decided to Nominate a caretaker in whoms account the rent will be paid to keep the Flats up to living standards.

The owner then decided to take further steps.

We were supposed to Evict the Tenants and they refused to leave.

She then instructed me to burn down the Flats and that she will then pay me 100k which I refused to even listen to her sick plan. She and her husband arranged another meeting where they instructed for a second time.

I reported this to the Vanderbijlpark SAPS where they stated that nothing can be done if it didn't happen yet. So, she decide to sell it to her attorney Mohammed. She stated that all this and the hijacking of the Flats actually came from Mohammed to purchase the block of Flats for a Bargain.

The Suger Mommy

The Suger Mommy from Heidelberg Gauteng that give for fun and when the fun is over she takes back.

The Suger Mommy from Heidelberg Gauteng that give for fun and when the fun is over she takes back.

Helen Kearney an unregistered Estate Agent for Just Property Heidelberg contacted our Ofiices a few years back. She Claimed that one of her many young lovers don't want to give back her Laptop which she gave to him as a Present. So after I explained to her that he refuses to give it back and also mentioned that she gave it to him as a present and also that she wants to give it to her new young lover I did not recover the Laptop.
She also mentioned that she will name and shame me. So, as long as I know I did the right thing I don't care what she does.

Privaat Speurder Rodney van Rensburg en sy Span gaan die Extra myl

Ek wil baie graag Rodney van Rensburg en sy span bedank vir puik diens gelewer gedurende die moeilikste tyd van ons gesin se lewe toe ons deur Scammers van 3.5 miljoen Rand gescam was.

Opsporings was gedoen. Konfrontasie was gedoen. Ons geld is ten volle terug gekry.


Thank you Riaan, Highly appreciated.

Thank you Riaan, Highly appreciated.

Couldn't ask for a better team than ISS-Investigations

 My Name is Michael Naidoo from Pietermaritzburg. I have a Electronic Business with Stock of over 30Mil Rand on my Premises. Before I Hired 2 Day Shift Guards an 2 Night Shift Guards from Imbewu Specialised Security I were robbed by 11 Armed Robbers. I were devastated and angry because the Police did not do mutch.

I then decided to hire a Private Investigator from ISS-Investigations and within 8 days he came back to me with all Evidence like Photos and Video footages as well as the get away car Registration number and etc. Rodney van Rensburg and he's team which is his Wife Janine and Son Jonathan Secured the arrest of the 11 Robbers and the Driver.
There and then I Signed a 2yr contract with them for Security Guards at my Business. And since then we're more than happy.

Entertainment Casino Lounge Armed Robbery

I'm Employed at a Entertainment Lounge in the Vaal Triangle.

We were Robbed by 2 Armed men. Got great assistance from Law Enforcement and etc. We then Hired Rodney van Rensburg a Local Private Investigator for assistance and More Information gathering. The Investigator visited the Premises and we went through the footage. While busy with the Investigator the owner arrived with her son to pay us a visit as usual. 

The Investigator immediately Confronted the owners son icw the Robbery and showed us the Takkies, tattoo on the hand that matches one of the Armed Robbers. 

What could I say...

Hijacked on R59

14th September at 20h45 I was Hijacked just leaving the R59 at the Pierneef turn off. I stood next to the Road with Absolute Fear and Nothing. Not even a phone to call for help. 

At my Surprise a Vehicle stopped next to me and asked if I were fine. I told them my Situation and they took me to the Police Station in Meyerton.

The person was so kind to wait with me for 3hrs and no assistance. We then got a number of a Private investigator who might be of any use or assistance. 

After Calling Private Investigator Rodney van Rensburg he arrived at the Police Station where they still had an attitude. We then left for Kliprivier SAPS and on our way we stopped at the Engin Blockhouse. The Investigator bought me something to eat and drink. As we're about to leave the Investigator saw something suspicious on the truck stop and yes, it was my car.

With the keys inside everything including my radio gone. But I normally stash my purse under the seat and luckily it was still there with all my cards and 3k cash. We contacted the SAPS to arrive at the scene. We then received great assistance and the Private Investigator Refused any form of Payment. 

Therefore I would like to thank the Person who took me to Meyerton SAPS and ISS-INVESTIGATIONS for their time, effort and great Service

Michelle Loxton

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Rodney van Rensburg